Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My First Blog

Well, I never considered myself a "blogger." I have actually said that I wouldn't, but here I am. (Much like the time in 2003 I said I would never own a cell phone. - No I did not join the cellphone generation until 2004) People have encouraged me to start a blog. I guess the reason I have resisted is because I wonder if my ramblings are worth reading.

I mean, no offense to other bloggers out there, but I have read some stuff that just made me wonder, "Should blogs be available to everybody?" I am reminded of the wise words of Solomon in Proverbs 17:27-28:

27 A man of knowledge uses words with restraint,
and a man of understanding is even-tempered.
28 Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent,
and discerning if he holds his tongue.

I pray that I will, unlike some, use words with restraint. But I also hope that my thoughts and ponderings will be helpful and interesting, and hopefully bring people closer to God. And so the journey begins...

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Glen. Blogging isn't for are really putting yourself out there, and sometimes the impact or resluts of someone's blogg can have powerful results.

    I started a blog a couple years ago for one specific purpose, and found over time that the impact of my blog on me and more importantly on those who read it was significantly different from the purpose that I had in mind when I started it. I hope yours achieves the same blessings mine has for me.

